Home Dining Cups, Mugs + Drinkware Tea Strainers + Coffee Filters

Tea Infuser & Coffee Filter

Brew a perfect cup of tea or coffee right at home with our collection of tea strainers and coffee filters.

1 Tea Strainers Results found


Tea brewing is an artistic endeavor. By choosing the highest caliber tea leaf, you can make a fantastic cup of tea. When made with the proper teaware, the procedure is refined, and the tea truly shines. The majority of casual tea enthusiasts are familiar with common tea-making supplies including glass teapots and ceramic tea cups. The water only has to be heated in the pot or tea kettle, poured into the cup, and a tea bag added. What if, however, you wish to make tea with loose leaves? Tea infusers come in handy in this scenario.

Imagine, if it’s a world without a strainer, we would’ve to separate the tea leaves from the tea with our bare hands or spoon, and when we are finally done doing it, sitting relaxingly to enjoy the refreshing cup of tea, yuck! Tea leaves are still hiding in the cup. To brew a superior cup of tea, you need to use these teeny metal gadgets. Yes, you have heard it right! Devices called tea infusers or tea strainers are made to contain loose tea leaves while they are being steeped and brewed. 

Though the name has ‘strain’ in it, it is devised to cleanse the strain away. Usually, tea infusers are either inside a tea cup or travel mug or inside the teapot itself. To remove some spice- or grain-based teas, some tea infusers with wider holes must be used in connection with a strainer.

Isn’t that a mood killer? Not just tea, but several other treasured beverages get ruined because of such tidbits not getting removed completely. Chilled lemonades, iced teas, and fruit juices, all are dependent on strainers for a smooth blend and taste.

Strainers are the most common kitchen tool that is sold. Do you know why? For the sole reason, that one can never be enough. When you’re buying one, you need to get another because a little voice keeps on saying, “This one might be a waste soon, what will you do if one fine morning, you miss your tea because of a petty strainer?” 

Quality strainers are an economic purchase. With its long-term durability, superb material strength, and astonishing power of segregation, a strainer can go a long way. These objects were common in the early 19th century and are now included in practically every tea enthusiast's collection. Typically, mesh or perforated metal materials are used to make tea infusers. Since these materials can withstand heat, stainless steel or silicone are commonly used to produce them.

As a matter of fact, Mad Hatter’s tea party is our inspiration to design such alluring strainers.  The idea that’s imbibed in every unique creation is to enjoy your tea the way you like it! Let your first sip take you to a Wonderland of your choice. Ah, de-alice-ious!

Although picking up the desired tea infuser might have seemed simple, it can really be quite tricky. Some tea experts prefer to brew tea using simply the leaves because they think tea infusers prevent the release of flavors. After that, they filter their tea to get the leaves out before sipping.

Nestasia’s range of tea strainers varies in shape and style. They are available in quirky outlines of a shell, oyster, bird, or Christmas tree, with supreme material guarantee and effective functioning ability. With long and short handles, it is easy to buy one according to your convenience. 

The price starts from as low as 190 and climbs to the top to 350. The tea strainers are packed with affordability, durability, and long-term guarantee. So, amp up your par-tea with this extraordinary addition.

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Tea Strainers Pricing

Product Name Price
Metal Meshed Coffee Filter Rs.465