Asian cuisine is the most enjoyed cuisine around the globe right after Italian. A very unique feature about the Asian culture is their approach to food and eating. They create wellness. Odds are that you must have heard that food is the remedy to all illnesses especially when you were feeling under the weather. Asian cuisine offers it all. The conventional Asian foods and recipes receive a lot of regard.
Globally, climate, agriculture, availability of food types, and societal differences impacts what people eat. Asian food as a whole is much more healthy than Western cuisine. With the paucity of fat, dairy, and add-ons, along with a focus on zesty flavor and fresh ingredients, it is easy to find healthy options on any Asian-inspired menu.
Asian-inspired foods, in the fastest-growing category, are making quite a culinary impact on the consumers. Here, we take a look at some of the easiest, healthiest and zingy Asian recipes that can be prepared in as little as five minutes.
Instant Creamy Noodles
Raw egg
Spring onions
Noodle seasoning
Chilli flakes
Instant noodles
Grab hold of the Mizo Snack Dish from Nestasia’s aesthetically beautiful Mizo Collection and mix all the ingredients together in it. Garnish it with a slice of boiled egg and sprinkle some spring onions and enjoy.
Cucumber Salad
Soya sauce
Chilli sauce
Sesame oil
Cut the cucumber in slices. Add some crushed garlic and pour a teaspoon of soya and chilli sauce. Mix the cucumber and the seasoning together. Serve the cucumber salad on our beautifully crafted Mizo long plate along with chopsticks.
Hot Chilli Oil Noodles
Sesame seeds
Spring onion
Chilli flakes
Soya sauce
Hot oil
Instant noodles
Take the Mizo Ramen Bowl and put some crushed garlic, sesame seeds, sprinkle some spring onion, chilli flakes and paprika. Pour a teaspoon of vinegar, soya sauce and hot oil into the seasoning. Add instant noodles and mix well. Serve the zingy hot chilli oil noodles in the glorious Mizo Snack Dish from Nestasia’s Mizo collection.
Have a look at the recipe preparation video post to help prepare the aforesaid recipes and this weekend cook your favourite Asian recipe at home and amp up your dining experience by serving the above recipes on our Asian-inspired Mizo collection.
Remember, a balanced diet is of utmost importance for a healthy lifestyle. Just like yin and yang, Asian food spins around keeping the diet in balance. It is not only about what you consume but also how you consume and how much you consume. It recognizes that good health and wellness is a way of life that extends beyond food. A traditional Asian diet comprises all the essential nutrients needed by an average adult, if consumed in adequate amounts. It is high in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants whereas low in saturated and total fat.