5 Things Your Home Decor Says About Your Personality

February 15, 2024

Home sweet home. 

When we build our homes and decide what home decor we’re going to use, we either do one of two things. Most of us build a mood board. We scour the pages on Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration and build vision boards of home decor interiors that speak to us on a personal level. Or we consult interior designers and give them guidelines to work within.


But, whatever we choose to do, the home decor items we choose to be a part of our home say a lot about who we are.     

Minimalistic: Organized, Efficient 

The entire concept of ‘less is more’ is far more difficult to achieve than one may think. No matter how organized you may be, it still takes a special type of person to make a minimalistic abode look grand. It’s very easy to bend to the trends and continuously collect items or fill spaces up with random decor objects

Whether it’s a vase placed on a table in the foyer, a living room of only the essential soft furnishings like curtains, rugs, and a sofa, or even just a wall with a couple of wall decor items placed strategically on it, every piece of home decor must have a purpose for a minimalist. And much like the rest of their lives, they like their homes to be organized, clean, and a space that aids efficiency. 

Boho-Chic: Creative

Young… Maybe. Wild… Probably. Free (spirited)... Always. Living the nomadic, unconventional life is a natural choice for someone who leans towards a boho-chic vibe. 

Vibrant cushions, crocheted throws and blankets, and bold accents around the house show off your creative spirit and artistic flair. Moreover, people tend to describe you as someone who is the life of the party. 

Candles Galore: Ambitious 

From scented candles that match your every mood and spread mind-addicting aromas around the house, quirky-shaped candles of animals or women’s torsos, or simple stick candles placed on candle stands, candles represent ambition. 

People who have an extensive candle collection understand that these home decor items go beyond being mere decorative pieces you place in elegant trays or on the mantle next to photo frames. They set the mood visually and can create an environment that increases productivity. 

Organized Chaos of Home Decor: Grounded, Strong Idea of Self

We’ve talked about minimalists, but what about their polar opposite… Maxamlists? 

Our past experiences shape and define who we are today. It’s important to not only understand and respect that but also value it. And, having a lot of artifacts and home decor items that you’ve collected over the years and placed around your house shows that you're proud of your past. Moreover, people develop the impression that you have strong values, you’re extremely grounded and know who you are. 

From cute animal figurines placed whimsically on cake stands to Victorian-style statues placed with mirrors, these home decor items help you remain rooted and connected to your family, childhood, and past. 

The Art Curator: Business Savvy 

Whether you’re a regular at Art Basel, a lover and collector of the fine arts, or simply have an entire focus wall of posters and photos, wall art is a home decor item that people include for entertainment values. 

But purchasing art is an investment. Not just an investment of money, but also time to find the right pieces that will perfectly complement existing home decor and other pieces in your collection. Therefore, it’s often thought that art lovers are business savvy. 

The Bottom Line:

A person’s home is always an extension of who they are at their core. It communicates your personality, tastes, and preferences without you even needing to say a word. Therefore, whether you’re already living in your dream house or still trying to figure out what your interior design style is, just remember to make it all about you!

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